The Doctor’s Challenge

This blog contains our monthly newsletter - Future Makers.

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“Success is not a function of the job you possess, but rather the way you do it.”

-Mike Rowe

This month we are pleased to highlight a manufacturing sector significant to Minnesota and filled with manufacturers doing the job well; Medical Manufacturing. We included a page in Blake Explores Manufacturing focused on the doctor’s stethoscope and the power of the tool. Let’s inspire the next generation of medical manufacturers! It’s manufacturing is a critical process.

The MAKE building activity for June is focused on doctor’s supplies! It’s crucial to find creative and engaging ways to inspire young minds. Now is the time to think outside the box and engage in this activity that not only brings creativity and educational benefits.

Below are a few key advantages and things to think about while completing The Doctor’s Challenge. If you missed the newsletter, subscribe HERE and we’ll send you the copy!

  • Nurturing Imagination and Creativity: Allow your child to dream up scenarios and solutions, foster a mindset and embrace innovation and problem-solving. Make sure to ask questions to further develop their concepts and inventions. Their creativity is endless - support their building in asking vs doing.

  • Enhancing Learning Through Play: Join the fun! Building with your child can make the experience more engaging for your child and provide opportunities for teaching moments.

  • Inspiring Future Careers: Introducing children to building nurtures curiosity and creativity - providing a solid foundation in STEM education. By encouraging kids to explore and learn through play, we can inspire the next generation of innovators, and problem-solvers.

Lastly, we were recently guests on Manufacturers Alliance Podcast. Hear the story of Make Publishing and our experiences that inspired the book!

Stay tuned for more to come!

Read | Build | Experience

Joe & Amanda


The Animal Challenge


Build a Guard Tower