The Minnesota Summer

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“Manufacturing is the route to prosperity”


Our mission is to educate, inspire, and equip the next generation to win in manufacturing. This month was busy with a route across much of Minnesota. We are excited to share some of our journey with you in this blog.


In September MAKE had the opportunity to read Blake Explores Manufacturing at Well Read Books in Elk River, Minnesota. We were thrilled at the opportunity to share our mission and excited to see the next generation hard at work manufacturing with the Build a House Challenge.


At each event MAKE organizes a different hands-on activity for the kids and parents. The activities are similar to what is sent out in our Future Makers newsletter. Subscribe to Future Makers Newsletter and join our community to receive the MAKE building activity of the month and upcoming events + experiences. We love seeing our Future Makers learn and grow in: problem solving, creativity, working as a team and boosting overall confidence.

Visit our Parents + Educators page for more information on guiding your Future Maker through the activity.


We partnered with Minnesota Precision Manufacturers Association at the Minnesota State Fair where industry leaders, parents, and kids gathered in the education building to explore manufacturing. We spent the time reading, hands-on activities, and connecting with the next generation of manufacturers. We are honored to participate in Minnesota Manufactured and excited to see all our state can accomplish in manufacturing.

Did your child like learning about manufacturing? Please see all we have going on at MAKE Publishing and share this blog with a friend!

Read | Build | Experience

Joe & Amanda


2024 Manufacturing Month


The Apple Tower Challenge