Build a Bridge

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“Nothing can be made, except by Makers…”

-Henry Ford, 1922

Welcome to the February, 2024 Future Makers activity by MAKE Publishing! We are honored to have you and your family on board. Gather your materials and get ready for an exciting and rewarding adventure in the Build a Bridge activity. While this activity is fun, it also offers numerous development and educational benefits for children of all ages.

Here are some of the key advantages to the Build a Bridge Activity.

  • Teaches Basic Engineering Principles: Children are introduced in basic engineering concepts such as tension, compression, and load-bearing. They’ll review different shapes and configurations that affect the strength and stability of structures, laying a foundation for more advanced STEM learning.

  • Demonstrates Importance of Planning and Executing: Planning is important for building, especially a successful bridge. While your child gathers materials, follows through on their plan - this teaches the importance of preparation and strategic thinking.

  • Problem-Solving: It is important to let children problem solve when creating. The process of the activity is just as important as the product! Ask questions but don’t offer answers. If he or she gets stuck, go back to things they know (how to make a Play-Doh ball, make two sticks stand together, etc.) to get them restarted. You can help with execution, but resist the urge to take over!

Future Makers Showcase: The future of manufacturing looks bright! Did your child like learning about manufacturing? Please share your results on social media and share this email with a friend!

Stay tuned for next month - Exciting updates coming!

Read | Build | Experience

Joe & Amanda


Build a House


Marble Maze